Bluesikology™ is a Funki G Joint™ resource that provides information about Soul, Blues, Rhythm & Blues, and Blues Rock music, including history, genres, artists, and more.
Our curated content means users can efficiently find material of interest.
What is Bluesikology?
Yes! Our artists page lists artist names, which when clicked on, take you to the artist bio page. A short bio is provided, and links to more extensive information about the artist are provided. The artist page also contains a link to artist video performances. The page will be updated over time to include more artists. Feel free to suggest any artist you like!
Yes! The video page also contains a link back to the to the artist page. The page will be updated over time to include more artist videos. Feel free to suggest any artist videos you like!
Yes! Our genre page contains information about jazz, blues, R&B and funk genres.
Yes! Our internet radio site page will be updated over time. Feel free to suggest your favorite site!
IYes! Our music tutorials page provides a more efficient way of locating tutorial programs, e.g., by instrument or style of music, than merely searching randomly for YouTube videos. The page will be updated over time. Feel free to suggest any tutorial programs you like!tem description
The section includes links to Media/Information/Internet Radio Sites and music tutorials:
He Spent a Lifetime Collecting the Blues - The Smithsonian Listened - the Washington Post
Our artists page lists artist names, which when clicked on, take you to the artist bio page. A short bio is provided, and links to more extensive information about the artist are provided. The artist page also contains a link to artist video performances.
Our bands page provides you with band bios and video performances.
Oscar Peterson — C Jam Blues
Blues Genres
This section summarizes the history of jazz genres and will follow with brief stories.
Our music tutorials page provides a more efficient way of locating tutorial programs, e.g., by instrument or style of music, than merely searching randomly for YouTube videos. The page will be updated over time. Feel free to suggest any tutorial programs you like!
Bluesikology™ Merchandise
Show your love of the Blues.
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Quality Assurance at Jazzikology is dedicated to providing you with top-quality apparel and merchandise. Our dedicated inspection teams in our production facilities look over every inch of our garments and other items for imperfections before its packaged.
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Shipping is included in quo officat iaectur autae porrum nos ut ventibus dolorpo ssequos et ea dollupta qui autem dolut omnis solupta tatur, optatqu atecabo rehenia prepel ere voluptio inctet mod etur. Et lit evenimus excepel moluptatiis ea verum.
"I've never found a more complete and diverse resource than Jazzikology."
— Douglas T.
Wonderful idea. Maybe you should launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more."
— Laurie G.
Would you like the usual, Grant?"